I knew it was time to leave my in-laws when my dear husband starting enjoyng the view out of Unit #19 or Unit #20 both of which looked over a man-made pond in the center of the mobile home park. He even went so far as to say he'd like to have a Chihuahua!!! OMG - what would Oscar think? Spare me! Frank is such a chameleon.
Heading down 41 south looking for a night in Everglades City, FL. We're in a Borders Bookstore right now updating my travel adventures after spending an afternoon on Sanibel and Captiva Island. It was close to freezing especially with the wind chill. We've been in Engelwood this past week and have had 2 and 3 layers on at all times. We're heading south until our feet thaw out. It's interesting sitting in Borders watching young foriegn (Russian?) women Skyping. Even more interesting to see all these people in winter clothes.
Our first day was quite fun. We've been stopping at Goodwill Stores throughout Florida. They are PLENTIFUL and offer beautiful clothes. It's amazing what 1/2 hour will yeild. If I had knownI would have left all my clothes at home and bought a whole new wardrobe down here. Oh well. We've having fun. These Goodwill outlets; Goodwill Book Stores; Salvation Army; Thrift Stores etc are BIG business down here. We are saturated with goods as a nation and they just keep pumping them out.
Our afternoon was spent on Sanibel and Captiva Island. We went to the Bubble Room Resturant which is something I had picked up on from the website RoadsideAmerica.com. It was definately worth the $6.00 toll onto the Island and the long drive out there. Unfortunately my camera battery died but you can check it out at http://www.bubbleroomrestaurant.com/.
When we arrived at the Island, the first thing we noticed was that there was an antiques show. It was great - 30 exbitors with a fun mix of pretty good quality things, from McCoy pottery, a beautiful stein depicting Rugby we really enjoyed it and was able to pick up a few things. We're going to be loaded to the hilt by the time we ever see New Hampshire again.
As we left the Bubble Rest. we happened to spy a sweet looking antiques shop across the street. Of course we couldn't resist - with all the time in the world and not a care to spare. I walked in and immediately recogzned the store owner. He was a frequent visiter at our antiques shop in New Hampshire when he is at his summer home in Maine.

Poprietor David Doherty offers an impressive collection of diamond, gold and platinum estate pieces, including Edwardian, Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Victorian. American Fine Art is also featured, as well as collections of American European Art Nouveau glass from Tiffany, Daum and Galle. Located on Captiva Drive across from the Bubble Room Restaurant, open from December 18 through April 10, daily 11am-4pm; 239-472-8442.
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