It was a quiet day in my home office. Frank left to go look at an old soap factory mill building outside Concord that's for sale and I stayed home to capture the peace and quiet of my home with my faithful companion Oscar.
Part of flowing with new technology all the time is learning it. Between my new computer, my new website, and my new blogspot there is plenty of reading and learning to be done lately. Of course every website I go to I need to stop and update my new email address.
I started marketing my new blogspot only to find out the address I had put out there wasn't correct. The URL www.DragonfliesAntiques.Blogspot.com/ ends in a forward slash not a period. Such details are the curse of the devil.
In addition my web domain www.antiquebug.com had expired so a bunch of emails were getting bounced back to people who have known me as Dragonfly for years - I've had that address for a wicked long time. Needless to say it took me the better part of the day sort it all out and I'm still waiting for Network Solutions to fix my publish button so I can update the new website. All things in time.
So what started out to be a day with a blank canvas for me to work on some overdue appraisal work got sucked up by technology that's supposed to benefit my life....or complicate it - I'm not sure which.
Frank got home from his Real Estate search and spent some time repairing the feet on the Duck I bought yesterday. The label on the piece reads: Happy Land Playthings Delphos Bending Company which does indeed lead me to the good side of the internet. Historical information at the touch of a few buttons. It's great! http://www.delphos-ohio.com/bending.htm
This lead to a discussion in our house about whether this should be called Americana or Folk Art. We decided on Americana because it was mass produced in the early 20th century. We tend to save the words Folk Art for more special one of a kind items.
Guess I'll be spending my Saturday working on the appraisal. Sunday is Auction day for Frank and Christmas Shopping with the Girlfriends in Newburyport for me. Until next time . . . I remain Cathy@DragonfliesAntiques.com
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