Monday, December 14, 2009

The Holiday Season is truly upon us!

Well being an antiques dealer off season can be just as busy as during the season. I guess it's all a matter of time and what you do with it. I'm still getting used to my new computer, printer, fax, etc. It's taken me a while but boy didn't I love it when I was able to print out a wonderful looking appraisal today. At last! Ease of use.

I also laid the ground work today at Town Hall for an outdoor market next Summer. We hope to develop a Green Market with antiques which are the original recyclable and add local farmers who offer fruits, cheese, vegetables, flowers, etc. along with any other exhibitors who offer sustainable products. We hope to hold it every Friday from 8:00 to 2:00. Stayed tuned as we work on developing this idea.

We need to get thru winter before we can start the correcting the drainage issues, pick up the old pavement and work on landscaping - all before the first tent goes up. It will be a long process but we hope to really take our property to the next level. All things in time!

I had three wonderful things happen to me today!

1. My Aunt invited my husband and I over to the Elderly Housing Complex she lives in called The Ledges for Christmas Dinner. (It's really lunch) It was great. Prime Rib; scalloped potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, cheescake, cookies and more importantly it was FESTIVE!

2. Two kind men from Wolfeboro Rotary came upon my husband and I today and offered us a free Christmas tree. We of course accepted especially because it came with all the lights on it. They had used it as the sample tree and now that all the trees were sold it was the only one left. It's beautiful and even comes with it's own stand. Perfect in every way!

3. A friend came by the house today to drop off a wonderful Arlo Guthrie DVD and told me the dog growled when he opened the door. Yeah Oscar! I watched the DVD twice it was so good! Loved it.

Anyone else have any great things happen to them this holiday season?

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