Monday, November 30, 2009

New Auction Experience - Storage Auctions

Frank and I were commenting on all the different kinds of auctions we've each been through over the years which include cattle, tobacco, collectibles, estate, boats, cars, chairty, tv, etc. etc. but one auction that has alluded us all these years are Storage Unit Auctions.

So there was one in a nearby town of Wakefield today, aka, Sanbornville. Anyways, we showed up with about 10 other people in the pouring rain. Mostly men, I was the only other women with one other umbrella toting fool hardy soul. The auction states the terms and conditions which included CASH only and a $50 deposit on the storage unite to make sure it gets cleaned out. They cut the lock off, open the door and you BID!

Now of course you can see very little but you can tell quite a bit from the quality of the things you can see, the style, the age, the care of the wrapping, the quantity, etc. etc. The first unit which pretty much continued a whole houseful of furniture and accessories sold for $450. The other two units sold for $25 and $10,. The two snaller units had some potential in oak flooring, an antique elgin outboard, tires, etc but you did need to dispose of the nattresses which is $10 a pop.,

We didn't buy anything but it was an interesting experience just the same.

We found this great board in the dump yesterday which is just perfect for the Christmas Decorations I was trying to create. Frank is preping the board with a coat of festive red paint. More to come on this project tomorrow.

I love this shot of our house. Most of the leaves have moved on and are now gracing our town landfill except for those which are making pretty designs in the sidwalk.

New Blog for Dragonflies Antiques

11/30/09 - New Blog for Dragonflies Antiques


Well finally after 5 years of waiting I finally was able to secure the domain name . It had been registered but not used by someone who was hoping I'd pay for the privilege of the name but I just waited them out and jumped on the name the day they let it expire.

So now that I have a new dominion name, and a new computer I've decided to re-direct my marketing strategy a bit to include this blog which I hope to keep up to date each evening or every couple of days.

My husband Frank and I are gearing up to go away this winter in search of great American Pop Icons, Flea Markets, Green Markets, Antiques Shows, etc. We hope to find and write about all sorts of things that happen in an antiquarians day. It's not always easy being a dealer but it's always lots of fun.

Sunday we went to the dump which is staying open longer on Sunday and while Frank was recycling our bottles and cans down below I went up above to the big metal and wood dumpster containers to see a local contractor throwing out a big piece of plywood. It was just exactly perfect for a Christmas project we've been working on to decorate the barn. I should say that I'm directing and Frank is tolerating. Don't ya love it!?!?!?
Cathy's First Attenmpts at a blog

Cathy's Newest Attempts at a blog

You can also find us at:


Friday, November 27, 2009

Welcome & Happy Thanksgiving

Well I spent the better part of the day creataing a new web page and a new blog.

I've tried a few different blogs in the past but have lost the thread so this time I hope to be more diligent and tell folks about living in New England and what it's like to be an antiques dealer in a summerl resort area.

I hope to share antecdotes, recipes, seasonal blessings, and green tips for frugal living. I'll share our daily lives in a never-ending search for vintage Americana, antiques, museums, pop culture, flea markets, junk shops, auctions, high end to low end from the New England countryside to New York City.

We're planning on traveling this winter and will keep you up to date on our search.

Until the next time , , , Dragonfly